Excel Formula Calculates Percentage of Test Questions


Microsoft Excel is well known for its ability to process data and reports. By maximizing the formula facilities (formula) and functions – very rich functions, you can apply it in various fields of work. Starting from performing data conferences, manage financial reports, as well as many more forms – other forms of report you can s[solve by applying formula and function facilities Microsoft Excel.

this time in the Blog section – Microsoft Excel , sispendik.net will explain the subject of Formulas and Functions Applied in Microsoft Excel for Processing Data and Reports, covers :
1. Understand things – what basic things you should know in using formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel.
2. Understand in more detail and in-depth about the Formulas tab of Microsoft Excel.
3. Learn various Microsoft Excel formulas and functions applied to conversion – data conversion.
4. Learn various formulas and applied functions in Microsoft Excel category logic functions.
5. Learn various formulas and functions that are applied in Microsoft Excel to process financial reports.
6. Learn about Microsoft Excel formulas and functions applied to reports that use table references.

Recently, pekerjaan sebagai seorang guru dituntu untuk dapat mengoperasikan computer minimal mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Word dan Microsoft Excel yang merupakan bagian dari Microsoft Office. It is no longer the time for the teacher to process student grades manually and only rely on them operator computer.

A teacher is required to be independent in managing the grades of his students. Nilai siswa akan lebih obyektif daripada dikelola atau olah dengan method menyuruh orang lain, this is because other people can enter the wrong grade or because these people do not interact directly with the students in the class.

From the description above, One of the jobs that can be done with Microsoft Excel is the symbolized percentage formula (%). for example, The following is a list of test scores for each student who takes the Final Semester Examination of English material. Of the total number of questions that must be done is as much 50 question.

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List of students who will look for the percentage value of the problem

Dari tabel diatas telah terdapat skor results ujian siswa, then how to find the percentage for each student with the number of questions 50 question ?

To find the percentage value, you can write down formula for finding the percentage with the following formula on cell D2 :

Rumus Persentase Soal Ujian Microsoft Excel 2 300x173 - Rumus Excel Menghitung Persentase Soal Ujian
Added the formula for the percentage of questions in cell D2

C2 is the result or the acquisition of student scores from 50 soa and the percentage will be searched. From the formula above, the results will be obtained 0,9.

Next the numbers 0,9 you have to change it into a percentage by clicking the icon % on ribbon Microsoft Excel kalian. see the image below :

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Adds a percentage symbol in cell D2

We can see the table above , the result is for the name student 1already has a percentage value of 90% obtained from the exam score. For the name of the next student and so on, copy the formula that is in the cell D2 to the cell – cells that are underneath, You can see the final result as in the image below :

Rumus Persentase Soal Ujian Microsoft Excel 4 300x172 - Rumus Excel Menghitung Persentase Soal Ujian
The final result looks for the percentage value of the exam question score

That's what we can give about excel formula calculates the percentage of exam questions hopefully useful for all of us. if anything is less clear , you can immediately comment below , God willing, we will answer it. thank you

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