Elearning Madrasah

Complete Tutorial for Students Using the Madrasah Elearning Application

Welcome to website Suspend (educators and education personal information systems) 
below we will explain a little tutorial for students in ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND APPROVAL application elearning madrasah.

*How students log in the Madrasah elearning application, we demonstrated in MIN 27 Aceh is great :
1. Go to the MIN website 27 Aceh Besar di link : min27acehbesar.sch.id
2. Then click “Madrasah Elearning Application
3. Enter the Username and Password that was shared previously
4. after students log in , siswa dapat bergabung ke kelas online yang telah di buat oleh guru your login informationclass code‘ which has been shared by their respective teachers ( or through online class roster)
5. after joining an online class , students are required to do absent attendance through the absent attendance menu (in the upper right corner),
6. After that, students are required to open the menu teaching materials to take the material that has been distributed by the teacher concerned,
7. then students can check the exam / exercises made by the teacher through the menu Computer base test (CBT) , if there is a test / practice , students can immediately work in accordance with the schedule made by the teacher concerned

*For video tutorials, you can see them through the YouTube channel SISPENDIK.NET Click here Subscribe for the next elearning video tutorial.

*Download Panduan Lengkap Siswa dalam bentuk pdf klik disini

Berikut Panduan Singkat method login untuk siswa, for a complete guide with videos, follow / subscribe to the YouTube channel SISPENDIK.NET here

thank you.

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