How to Add Pop-Up Window to Cell


Praise and gratitude we always pour out to the creator of the universe "Allah SWT” which always give health, time, and the opportunity to the author to finish this article entitled How to Add a Pop-Up Window to a Cell in Excel, so that this article can be in the center of the reader.

Get to know ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND APPROVALMicrosoft Excel application” to calculation and also processing data basic or just knowing method just use it, it can be said that just knowing the outer skin of application Excel the.

If studied further, application excel has many features that can used untuk mengolah data hingga hasil akhir yang proporsional.

“Learning Excel is hard, said who?” There are still many people who think that learning Excel is difficult.

Such an assumption only applies to those who are lazy to learn and explore their potential. Why is that? Because, There are already many facilities that can be used to learn Excel, both free and paid.

Especially now Microsoft Office Excel, better known as Microsoft Excel already have the latest version included in the Office package 15. The Office package issued by the Microsoft company supports adding and changing features that make it easier for users to process data.

To process data regularly optimal understanding is required in operating the Excel application.

To achieve that, make sure you have the articles on website we ( this to the end.

Because, in the website of this article there is a complete guide, tricks and tips, excel formulation and how to use the Excel application that you should know to then apply to your daily work.

How to Add a Pop-Up Window to a Cell in Excel

Pernahkah Anda melihat informasi yang muncul ketika mengeklik atau meletakkan pointer didalam sel tertentu? The information that appears is called a pop-up window. Anda sebagai pembuat laporan dapat make jendela pop-up sendiri pada laporan yang Anda kerjakan. The steps that can be taken to create a pop-up window are as follows::

  1. The first step is to activate the cell that will be given a window pop-up by selecting it.
  2. Next, from tab Data select command button Data Validation and the Data Validation window will be displayed.
Gambar 9.108 Memilih tombol data validation - Cara Menambah Jendela Pop-Up pada Sel
Select the data validation button

3. In the Data Validation dialog select the tab Input Message and on the Tittle, Enter the desired message title (Information). Whereas, in section Input Message Please enter the desired message (Enter the student's full name).

Gambar 9.109 Menambahkan judul dan isi pesan pop up - Cara Menambah Jendela Pop-Up pada Sel
Menambahkan judul dan isi pesan pop-up

4. After adding title and popup message, please choose OK to ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND APPROVAL dan menerapkan pengaturan yang dilakukan. The result of creating a pop-up window will more or less look as follows.

Gambar 9.110 Hasil pembuatan jendela pop up - Cara Menambah Jendela Pop-Up pada Sel
Pop-up window creation Hasil

Demikianlah penjelasan tentang bagaimana Cara Menambah Jendela Pop-Up pada Sel di Excel. We hope that the readers can understand it well and correctly.

Thank you


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