Syamsul Bahri, MA
(Guru MAN 2 Banda Aceh / Researcher at LSAMA Aceh)
Setelah artikel saya di laman Opini Harian Serambi Indonesia (3/7-201) berjudul “Quo Vadis Pendidikan Kita” terpublis, some friends commented, both verbally when we discussed, and writing through social media. In general they justify what I convey, that is, there are many inequities in our current education, thus making the quality of our education low. And at the "KKG Strengthening Work Meeting, MGMP, dan KKRA” (18 July 2019 in MAN 1 Banda Aceh), the head of the Banda Aceh City Ministry of Religion also mentioned the quality of this education. Especially on the issue of character building students. Mr. Asy'ari said that the problem of the character of students must be the concern of all teachers, and the most important thing in character building is that teachers must be role models for their students. "Before fostering student character, then the teacher himself must have character, dan menunjukkan kepada siswa karakter tersebut.”
Bagi kalangan guru, they have heard quite a bit about this issue. Sometimes when someone questions it, then the focus of the problem is on the teacher, this makes the teacher seem as wrong subject. This invites a question mark from the teacher, what we haven't done? Because after all the teacher has tried their best to make the best.
Menjadi guru tidak mudah, That is what Prof Jamaluddin Idris said, when giving material on the MGMP activities. This is because the teacher's responsibility is very large, namely educating children from an early age, until they become successful people. If a student has been properly formed, then the student will be successful, whereas if it's wrong, then they will fail in his life. Just like a farmer who grows rice, good or bad rice depends on how he takes care of it. The success or failure of a student can be indicated by three criteria, first; changes in his behavior (affection), second; intellectual development (cognition), and third; memiliki skill dalam hidupnya (psychomotor). These three domains are the goals of educational practice itself.
The main home of education
Persoalan kualitas pendidikan adalah tanggung jawab kita semua. I mentioned it all, means all components of education, namely family, school, and society. This issue has a long chain, intertwine, thus draining our energy and thoughts. We must always think progressively, practical and continuity, in order to improve the quality of this education.
Keluarga adalah unit pertama yang diembankan tugas pendidikan. Because whatever the teacher teaches at school if it is not supported by the family, then the result is nil. Children who come to school carry a million memories, and feelings. Memory is an important element of character and intellectual formation. So are feelings. When the child's memory is damaged, then it will be difficult for him to receive knowledge or listen to teacher advice. Just like HP memory, if it is damaged or exposed to a virus, then it cannot accept outside files. Only a great technician can fix it. Meanwhile, not every school has teachers like this.
Memori yang dibawa anak dari dalam keluarga menjadi penentu mood child at school. As far as he has mood, as far as that is the absorption of knowledge from the teacher. If home is not the main education, so don't hope the teachers in the school can do it better. Parents who care about their children are those who ask what they do at school? Who are his friends? Is there any problem? Of course, these questions are natural and adapted to the circumstances of the child. Whatever the busy parents, ask about the child's school, is their nutrition to get better.
Our future expectations.
Teori ekspentansi (expentancy theory) submitted by Victor H. Vroom in the year 1964. He argues that the power that motivates a person to work hard depends on the reciprocal relationship between what is wanted or needed from the work. Expectations (hope) there is in every individual self. People have hope that's why they live, if you have no hope, like a walking corpse. Her life has no purpose. In other terms, hope is a major motivator that motivates a person to take action.
Teori harapan dapat diartikan sebagai kekuatan atas sesuatu untuk bertindak dengan menggunakan suatu method tertentu yang didasarkan atas suatu harapan bahwa tindakan tersebut akan menghasilkan sesuatu bagi dirinya. In simpler terms, expectancy theory describes an employee being given a boost (motivation) to run a higher level of business when he believes that the effort can lead him to a good performance appraisal. (Victo Vroom dalam Robbin: 2003, 229).
Karena usaha keras, maka maka results akhir akan sesuai dengan tujuan. Referring to Vroom's thoughts, someone will maximize effort and minimize everything that hinders the achievement of maximum results. With reference to this theory, a hard-working teacher in the hope that education will be better, then the teacher must be met all his needs.
Nah, this is where the theory of expectation comes into question. Because this theory tends to make human life hedonistic. Hedonik, starting from the materialism-pragmatism view of life (hedonism). Is our behavior hedonic? When the salary, whatever is there, doesn't make us happy, then we have fallen into the abyss of hedonism. The necessities of life will never be sufficient from the perspective of pragmatism. The higher the salary goes up or up, or the more someone a lot of money, then we have indulged in worldly pleasures. Tetapi kita tidak hipokrit, who does not need sufficient living facilities. But a wise person treats facilities to live instead of living for facilities.
Tetapi jika kita diberi apresiasi dengan materil ini atas dasar kerja maksimal, then we will not fall into a hedonistic attitude. A teacher who is certified is those who are already working professionally. They have passed the due diligence from the government, and is entrusted with being the main funnel that motivates other teachers to become professionals. But our problem today, when the teacher is certified, and monthly incentives have increased, the teacher is given the most teaching load. Besides class hours, added with technical-administrative that must be owned. Finally, the substance is often forgotten. The expertise of certification teachers has faded away and even ran aground due to this technical burden. Does the government have to act like that? meaning when the teacher has been certified, then they have the most teaching hours? Today, a teacher will be busy earning teaching hours as per the applicable provisions, if not enough hours at school, then he had to bother looking for hours at another school. If not, certification incentives cannot be disbursed.
Pada akhirnya pemerintah memberikan kesejahteraan bagi guru sertifikasi namun membuat aturan yang justru menjadikan guru “kerepotan” karena memenuhi jam pelajaran. Ideally, in educational expectations theory; because the goal of teacher certification is oriented towards improving the quality of education, the teacher should be given the time to make breakthroughs in their school. Being creative teaches students to create products (goods) or the latest services. Because in fact it is not a professor on campus who better understands school students, but the teacher himself in the school. (syamsulbahri167@ymail.com)
This article has been published in the Media Serambi Indonesia Daily in the Opinion column 25 July 2019
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